Glam Creatives is one of the Top Advertising Agencies in 2022

Content Creators | Video Ads | Social Media Content

Glam Creatives (by Social Kick), was chosen as one of the Top Advertising Agencies in 2022

Mayple, an online platform that helps hiring the best marketing agencies worldwide, gave us the first position thanks to our great results working with their customers.

You can find the full list here

Why work with us as an advertising agency?


Digital advertising blew up in the last decade with the rise of social media platforms and new forms of ad formats. This digital transformation in the advertising space has created a knowledge gap for business owners that want to scale their advertising efforts. Each platform has its own algorithm and its own rules and its very difficult to master any particular channel for a business owner or an in-house team.

Hiring advertising experts in-house is a very costly proposition and often takes much more time to train and determine if they are a good fit than when working with an agency. We have a team of content professionals on staff. You could also hire us for some consulting work to just look at your overall strategy and suggest specific tactics you should work on.



Types of advertising agencies

There are 3 main types of advertising agencies that you should know about.


Creative agencies

Creative agencies are focused on the design of your ads and your overall brand. They often offer branding services such as creating your branding strategy and enhancing your site and social media pages with creative branding assets, very similar to a branding agency. 

Glam Creatives is part of this category


Social media advertising agencies

Another type of advertising agency focuses on social media ads because there are so many different platforms. And each one requires its own expertise. For example. some agencies only focus on one channel like Facebook Ads, others work with several channels. Some of the largest advertising agencies struggle to assemble a team of experts knowledgeable enough in all the variety of social media platforms that are used today. 


Full-service advertising agencies

The full-service agency offers all the various digital advertising services – from copywriting to designing user experiences, and managing the campaigns and the advertising budget.

What does an advertising agency cost?


Most advertising agencies charge a management fee that’s a percentage of the marketing budget (or marketing spend). On average, a typical management fee is between 15% and 30%. In Glam Creatives we don’t have these hidden costs, you only have to pay a flat fee according to your needs


Who should use an advertising agency?


Any health and beauty brand that don’t have the right expertise on their team for specific digital platforms. It could also be business owners that require digital advertising services or a new digital strategy.



What are the 4 types of advertising?


Advertising in periodicals and journals is a thing of the past. Digital advertising is where most of the world’s biggest names play. There are several types of online advertising services that an advertising company would offer for both B2C and B2B clients.

Display advertising – usually referred to as banner advertising is when a business places a banner on a blog, website, or search page. They are either horizontal or vertical banners and are mostly visual with very little text.

Video advertising – video ads are eye-catching, entertaining, and great for telling a story. They are used in social media marketing on channels like Facebook Ads as well as on video sites like YouTube. Video ads are great for a brand awareness campaign.

Mobile advertising – these are any kind of ads displayed on mobile devices and they include a wide range of options like video, display, banner, search, and social ads. Mobile marketing is a huge area of advertising and it’s only going to get bigger and more impactful as time goes on.

Native advertising – this is when an ad is integrated into a piece of content. It could be on an online publisher site or a blog. These ads are considered less disruptive because they usually match the style and flow of the piece. 


What are the 5 roles of an advertising agency?

1. Copywriter


First and foremost, every good agency (even if it’s a boutique agency) needs to have a good copywriter. That’s the person that writes the copy for all the ads and landing pages.

Glam Creatives has some of the best copywriters in the health and beauty industry


2. Media planner / digital strategist


The media buyer or planner is in charge of setting up each advertising campaign, the audience tracking, and managing things on a daily or weekly basis. They could also do creative strategy as well. 


3. Social media expert


You guess it! Every advertising agency needs a social media marketing expert on the team. They should know how to create content for each platform, and how to increase engagement and grow followers. 

In Glam Creatiuves we have a complete team that is following the latest trends in social media. That’s why you will find amazing creatives for current platform like TikTok and Reels


4. Graphic designer

A graphic designer is someone that will be creating the designs for your ads. That could include doing animations, creating videos, and doing touchups on your ads. 

Working with us is like having your own design firm.


Online and Physical Sales Specialist. Creator of the online sales method “Marketing Hackers”.

Writing about online sales techniques, video marketing and e-commerce

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